Media Directorate, Ministry of Culture


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The Media Directorate evaluates the situation and proposes measures for developing media pluralism. It performs governance tasks related to media and audio-visual culture and guarantees comprehensive development of the sector in co-operation with other governmental bodies, the economic sector, professionals and the public, as well as various interest associations and EU institutions.

The common tasks performed in the Directorate for Media are providing regulations in line with local and European legislation and monitoring development and co-operation with local and international governmental and non-governmental professional organisations, associations, their bodies and individuals. The Directorate also co-operates with other ministries and public institutions on common projects and prepares proposals for materials for the government and consulting bodies of the European Commission and the European Council. It forms opinions on proposals and developmental projects, sets up criteria for co-financing programmes and projects and comments on analysis, information and reports for its organisational units.

The Directorate participates in public institution boards, foundations and project groups for investment projects. It prepares annual or long-term plans for co-financing cultural programmes and projects, including the financing stages. The Directorate covers European cultural programmes and monitors projects financed through European structural funds. It co-operates on projects and aspects of regionalisation and monitors the effects. It also evaluates the legal and economic aspects of the public funding expenditure in the field of arts. It assists in shaping common databases and communicating with the public according to regulations.

Special tasks performed by the Directorate include monitoring the pluralism of media, creating and distributing media programme contents, social status of journalists, defining public interest in the field of media, and the situation in the media industry with a focus on audio-visual infrastructure. It prepares developmental projects and regulations for co-financing programmes and projects in the field of media and audio-visual culture. It monitors and performs the grant-giving process and implements EU directives in the field of media and the audio-visual industry.

The Directorate also deals with legal issues related to Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia) contribution payments in co-operation with the Ministry's Culture and Media Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia.

See also

External links

Direktorat za medije, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
Direktorat za medije, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maistrova 10 +
The Media Directorate evaluates the situation and proposes measures for developing media pluralism. +
The Media Directorate evaluates the situation and proposes measures for developing media pluralism. +
+386 / 1 369 5900 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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